Hi- Need a company to help with our short sales- getting bogged down with details. We are in South Florida.  Please let us know of your success with them.  We have had a couple Duds we have worked with.  Thank you,  Sunnie

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  • Liane we're a Title Company located in Tarpon Springs, just 20-30 minutes outside of Tampa and have been in business for over 20 years. I personally handle all of our short sale files and we have helped over 100 families from foreclosure. If you are ever interested in inquiring about our services please fee free to send me an email brent@anclote-title.com.


  • Sunnie, send me an email or give me a call.  I will put you in touch with out attorney that actually provides full legal representation to the sellers and only gets paid by the short sale lender once a sale has been effected.  This is not a title company styled short sale process in which the seller is not legally represented. 

  • I'd be interested in hearing more on this too.  Mine used to be great but has been really slow in responding to requests lately.
    • Liane I work with some clients up in Tampa I'd be happy to discuss with you as well.
  • Sunnie. I'm flexible. Just let me know if you want to give one a try and we'll talk and sort out how to get paid.
    • Bryant- That sounds great. I want to be open to new ways of doing short sale process, to bring them to successful closings.  Thank you, Sunnie
  • Hi Sunnie. I don't work as a 3rd party negotiator but I do co-list properties with agents in other areas. The way we work it is they handle the property and I handle the lenders. We both communicate with the sellers. We split the listing side commission 50/50.
    • Hi Bryant-  Does it matter about the house price, or are you always 50/50, or does it go up to a cap amount as a fee?  As you can tell, I am unsure how to proceed, we have had NOT good results with 3rd parties, but I'm not sure about doing all the work in-house.  I have a couple short sales I handled from start to finish recently- I will say they went much better than when using the 3rd party negotiators.  I'm not sure if it is cause they are easier deals, maybe I got lucky, or if doing these myself is better, because I can see what is happening and correct, or follow-up if they get stuck. The paperwork was hefty. I will keep you in mind, as we proceed and take on more. I may have more questions. Thank you, Sunnie
  • I would go with one of the Two Superstars..Bryant or Jeff!
    • Hi Sunnie,

      My company does processing for realtors and we are located in South Florida. One office in Broward and one in Miami-Dade. We have quite a bit of success and close some 40+ short sales a month. We also only do it for the closing so there is no charge to realtors or buyer/seller other than standard closing fees.

      You can E-mail me for more info: cody@exclusivetitlecompany.com

      I know we are not supposed to advertise on here so my apologies to the moderator but the question was asked so I answered.

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