We are hoping to close a BoA Hafa short sale tomorrow.  The HUD was submitted 72 hours prior and they rejected stating The Hafa Allowance HUD line needed to read differently. We immediately made the change and had it uploaded within the hour. Since then we have had zero response from the "specialist".  It has been over 30 hours.  Seller, buyer, and agents are all lined up to close tomorrow.  Is there anyway to get BofA to respond.   Any feedback?  Welcoming any suggestions.  We way to close!  

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  • I also had a good outcome from that team, under similar circumstances, except that I was pushing the 72 hours to more like 44 hours...

  • Tweeting was awesome!  It worked.  Thanks Gabriel!  
  • Jen,

    I bet they get it done.  Very good service from the BOA twitter team.

  • Jen - Go into  twitter. Then twitter @BofA_Help Your phone  number and when to call you.  They'll get it done.

    • Hi Wendy,

      I tweeted my first tweet last night and I did get a call back this morning.  The best they could do is say my Closing Specialist will call me in an hour.  The CS is currently with a customer.  Still hoping for a closing today or tomorrow!  Thanks.

    • Good advice :)

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