HAFA Procedures

My sellers were told that they qualified for the HAFA program. An appraisal has been ordered by the bank. I know that HAFA will set the pricing guidelines. Since the home is currently on the market, should I accept any offers before the appraisal has been done and the bank gives us an acceptable price? I have heard that you can be disqualified for HAFA if you upload an offer before approval, not sure if that is a rumor or not. Thanks.

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  • What you have heard about is a Freddie Mac guideline.  Freddie will drop kick your client out of the program if you submit an offer prior to an executed SSA. 

    If it's not Freddie, I would submit an offer as soon as possible since waiting for the servicer to set the price usually guarantees that is will be overpriced.  At least that is what I have seen in New Hampshire.

  • Apply for HAFA after you already have a standard short sale going and an offer to submit.  Banks' prices often come in too high.

  • If you have an offer that you think is within the market value of the home, there is no real reason to wait unless it's a Freddie Mac owned Loan.

    • Kevin, I have a listing that is going to have to go short sale since we can seem to get it sold at a price that would satisfy the loan.

      I just found out it is a Freddie Mac loan.  Does that mean I have to do a HAFA short sale? I don'tknow the options for a Freddie Mac loan

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