I have a client that I'm working with in which he has not missed any payments on his B of A loan.  We actually had someone come to our office from B of A and one of the questions was whether the borrower had to be delinquent to successfully initiate and close on a short sale and the answer was that they could be current and still accomplish short sale approval.  Has anyone actually seen this through with B of A?  I know in the past you had to be behind to even get their attention.

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  • Great answers Jeff..especially about the people calling the Sellers!  I have had ZERO luck in getting B of A to approve Short Sales without delinquencies, but I do read about it all the time, so it must be true and NOT an urban myth!

    • Thanks Kim, many times it depends on the investors and/or the impending hardship.  I just got a Wells Fargo ss approved and the seller offers to pay $105,000 and Wells only asked for $6000.00. Go figure :)  They probably come out ahead with an insurance claim and tax deduction?

  • I've had two cases where the owner was told to become delinquent then ask for the short sale again. Although, I'm not sure if it was BOA; it was in 2009. 

    • Just today, BoA called my seller (just listed the home today & we're going to be shooting for a short sale) and asked him why he hasn't made this months payment, due Oct 1st & now it's 4 days beyond the grace period.  My seller told them they would hearing from me & he's looking to do a SS.  They continued to press him for the October pym't but at the same time told him they would not even look at a short sale for him until he missed pym'ts.  Up is down & down is up!!!!

      • Jim, the people that are calling your seller are probably debt collectors who will lie and cheat and use intimidation tactics to get a seller to make a payment.  They have no idea about loss mitigation so don't believe a word they say.  I have and still do plenty of Bank of America short sales with the homeowner current.  Alot of times it depends on the investor on the loan.

  • It has never been a BofA policy that a seller has to be delinquent to do a short sale, that was a bit of an urban legend.  It all depends on the investor.  I have done several with the home owner current on payments.  hardship is the key.

    • Thanks Jeff.  I had been told that it wasn't a factor and as you mentioned, hardship is the key, but not surprisingly the issue has never come up as all of my short sales involved pretty serious delinquencies.

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