So I've had an offer into Bank of America since June 1 that is netting HUD over 2% over the min net amount with buyers ready to close anytime and my negotiator just seems to keep this file on the backburner. Since BofA issuing the ATP 5/1/12, they have lost documentation several times and its just been churning in their system. Try sending messages through their "secure" messaging system. Ya thats a complete joke. 

Without going into a ton of detail, I think its widely know that their system is in serious need of a major overhaul and I cant believe HUD hasnt forced them to do it yet. 

I need a contact at HUD to escalate this file with. How it takes 9+ weeks to get an approval is beyond me when its clear what the min net is.  I've already filed a case with HUD, but I'd like to go up the tree to the top if possible. My appraisal expires 8/11. Any contacts would be greatly appreciated! 

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  • Travis - You can try Twitter help, ask them to get you the HUD Phase II escalation contact.  You can also email the Phase I negotiator for help contacting the Phase II person.

    • I sent a twitter to the help team which was helpful. I was haveing a difficult time getting the BofA FHA negotiator to respond so I sent an authorization to HUD.  Called HUD the next day and gave them the FHA case #.  He sent an email to my negotiator and to her supervisor.  She called me within 5 minutes after my conversation with HUD.

      • William - Fantastic hint!  Can you provide the HUD contact information that got you the result?

        • Need this!  Wendy, can you elaborate on the Twitter thing please?

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